How to Hang Curtains: We’ve Been Doing it All Wrong!
Pillow Talk - Sweet Sheets Blog

How to Hang Curtains: We’ve Been Doing it All Wrong!

We’ve been in our home for just short of 2 years now and we have managed to tackle a few of our projects (changing lights, counters etc.) so this week I decided to check off a simple item from our list -new curtain rods. I’d actually replaced our curtains pretty much instantly after we moved in but those cheap flimsy rods managed to stay… and taunt me. So I went on the hunt and after my penny-pinching self walked away from some very expensive (yet still not great looking) rods at a few stores, I stumbled upon an amazing deal at our local Lowes.

I didn’t need, or want, anything fancy (especially since I had quite a few rods to replace in close proximity to each other) so I picked out these guys: 

Not only where they inexpensive and just what I needed, but they also happened to be buy one get one free -with an added 15% off that weekend! Ok, who doesn’t love a good deal?!

So I bought my rods and headed home to hang them. I know pretty much nothing about hanging curtain rods, but enough to know the ones in my house weren’t hung quite right. So I took to the source of all information now a days -google. What my search revealed was that not only did the previous owners of our home hang the curtain rods incorrectly, but I have been hanging all curtain rods incorrectly…. since the dawn of time! (ok, well since the dawn of me decorating my own homes.)

So, I’m going to lay on you a little curtain hanging knowledge (since I’m clearly now an expert).



Do’s & Don’ts of Hanging Curtains

  • DO make sure you have enough fabric -don’t pick curtains that need to be pulled taught to cover the window -you want them to hang gracefully. If needed, buy an extra panel or two for added fullness.
  • DON’T hang them too low -a good rule of thumb is to hang them 4-6″ above the top of your window -this elongates the window.
  • DO get the right length -figure out where you want to hang your rods and measure from there to figure out the best length of curtain to purchase. Curtains should just kiss the floor or slightly pool for a more romantic feminine feel.
  • DON’T hang them too short -yes, this is just a reiteration of our last point, but seriously, it’s that important! Just don’t do it!
  • DO pay attention to the hardware you choose. I could get away with thinner posts because I am hanging lightweight curtains. Heavy drapes need heavier hardware.
  • DO extend your curtain rods 3-6 and in some cases, up to 12 inches on either side of the curtain to allow the curtains to hang next to the window when open and maximize the amount of light that can enter -how far you extend will depend on your curtains and their width, heavier materials will need more room while lighter ones will need less.
  • DO measure, measure, measure! There’s nothing worse than a million holes in the wall because you’re eyeballing it and need to rehang multiple times. Just take your time and measure first. Our next point will help with this as well.
  • Handy tip -MAKE A TEMPLATE. Get two pieces of cardboard and place one along the top of the window and the other along the side. Tape the cardboard together and mark where you would like to hang the rod. Trim the cardboard to that spot and voila, you have a template so all your rods will be hung at the same height & won’t be crooked!
  • DO pull out that iron if needed (or the steam wrinkle setting on your fancy dryer). Wrinkled curtains look sloppy and unkept, and I get it, I hate ironing too, but you’ll be surprised at how big of a difference a little ironing can make.


So there you have it, now go forth with confidence and hang those curtains!
(and since you’re hanging new curtains, might as well get some sweet new sheets to match… just sayin’)